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Ermolin VI, Chkadua TZ, Staricov NA, Babunashvili GB, Mashkina AA, Romanovsky MA. The effects of a total TMJ endoprosthesis on the contralateral condyle. Stomatology. 2023;102(6):9‑15. (In Russ., In Engl.).
Golavskiy PI, Pylkov AI, Gorodkov ZhE. Morphometric features of the condylar process of the mandible. Stomatology. 2023;102(1):60‑65. (In Russ., In Engl.).
Mashkina AA, Chkadua TZ, Ermolin VI, Isaichikova OV, Romanovsky MA. Three-dimensional assessment of positional changes of the mandibular condyles following orthognathic surgery. Stomatology. 2023;102(1):19‑27. (In Russ., In Engl.).
Kulakov AA, Andreeva SN. Analysis of compensation payments for moral damage in cases related to poorly provided dental care (2013—2022). Stomatology. 2022;101(6):62‑68. (In Russ., In Engl.).
Ermolin VI, Chkadua TZ, Starikov NA, Babunashvili GB, Mashkina AA, Romanovsky MA. The use of magnetic sensory system for mandibular movement patterns recording in patients after TMJ reconstruction. Stomatology. 2022;101(3):44‑48. (In Russ., In Engl.).
Nurieva NS, Voronina EA, Delets AV. Assessment of adaptive mechanisms to obturators of the upper jaw according to the data of electronic axiography and cone-beam computer tomography. Stomatology. 2022;101(2):47‑51. (In Russ., In Engl.).
Magsumova OA, Postnikov MA, Trunin DA, Filippova MD. Modern aspects of determining dental color in aesthetic dentistry. Stomatology. 2021;100(5):102‑109. (In Russ., In Engl.).
Magsumova OA, Polkanova VA, Timchenko EV, Volova LT. Raman spectroscopy and its application in different areas of medicine. Stomatology. 2021;100(4):137‑142. (In Russ., In Engl.).
Durnovo EA, Kontorshhikova KN, Shakhova MA, Soloveva AG, Tarakanova VA, Galkina ES. Oxidation-reduction potential of tissues of the oral mucosal wound surface under the photodynamic action. Stomatology. 2021;100(4):7‑15. (In Russ., In Engl.).
Topolnitsky OZ, Imshenetskaya NI, Il’ina MA, Lezhnev DA. Lower jaw myxoma in an early age pediatric patient: comprehensive rehabilitation aspects. Stomatology. 2021;100(3):96‑102. (In Russ., In Engl.).
Makkeiah MO, Harfoush M, Makkiah A, Saneeva L, Tuturov N, Katbeh I. Comparative efficacy of Botox and surgical lip repositioning in the correction of gummy smile. Stomatology. 2021;100(3):47‑54. (In Russ., In Engl.).
Askerov ED, Topolnitsky OZ, Zairatyants OV, Tsmokalyuk EN, Zhuravleva AV. Multivisceral resection of lipoblastoma of four anatomical areas of the head and neck with simultaneous neurotization of the facial muscles in an 8-months child. Clinical case. Stomatology. 2020;99(5):96‑102. (In Russ., In Engl.).
Anokhina AV, Abzalova SL, Sajfullina AR. Patient myofunctional adaptation to orthodontic treatment. Stomatology. 2020;99(5):62‑68. (In Russ., In Engl.).
Rozov RA, Trezubov VN, Gerasimov AB, Kopylov MV, Azarin GS. Clinical analysis of the short-term and long-term results of the implant-supported Trefoil dental rehabilitation in Russia. Stomatology. 2020;99(5):50‑57. (In Russ., In Engl.).
Korolenkova MV, Khachatryan AG, Arutyunyan LK, Gadzhikulieva KA. Perinatal risk factors of the early childhood caries. Stomatology. 2020;99(4):47‑51. (In Russ., In Engl.).
Gvetadze ShR, Xiong P, Nadtochiy AG, Vozgoment OB, Il'kaev KD, Didbaridze DA, Sun J. Capabilities of contrast-enhanced ultrasound for preoperative assessment of regional lymphatic basin in patients with early oral cavity squamous cell cancer. Stomatology. 2019;98(3):123‑129. (In Russ., In Engl.).
Korolenkova MV, Arzumanyan AP. Effectiveness of fillings and stainless-steel pediatric crowns for primary molars restoration: the results of prospective randomized split mouth study. Stomatology. 2019;98(3):83‑86. (In Russ., In Engl.).
Anokhina AV, Abzalova SL. The survey of orthodontists on modern diagnosis and treatment planning of malocclusions in adults. Stomatology. 2020;99(1):61‑65. (In Russ., In Engl.).
Vasilyev YuL, Rabinovich SA, Dydykin SS, Toropina GG, Demyanenko SA. Objective assessment of mental nerve local anesthesia. Stomatology. 2019;98(5):99‑103. (In Russ., In Engl.).
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