- Издательство
- «Медиа Сфера»
Kurniawati EM, Rahmawati NA, Hardianto G, Paraton H, THSHadi , Widyasari A. Role of estrogens in maintenance therapy of patients with pelvic organ prolapse. A systematic review. Russian Bulletin of Obstetrician-Gynecologist. 2024;24(5):49‑57. (In Russ., In Engl.).
Malyshkina AI, Batrak NV, Afonina VA. Assessment of eating habits, psycho-emotional state, quality of life and risk factors for the development of gestational diabetes mellitus in women with threatened late miscarriage. Russian Bulletin of Obstetrician-Gynecologist. 2023;23(6‑2):155‑161. (In Russ., In Engl.).
Renge LV, Zorina VN, Grebneva VS, Grigor’eva EYu, Vlasenko AE, Shramko SV. Analysis of acute-phase proteins and proinflammatory cytokines in the serum of pregnant women with chlamydia infection. Russian Bulletin of Obstetrician-Gynecologist. 2023;23(6):5‑11. (In Russ., In Engl.).
Rayanova RN, Rayanov NV, Khintsinskaya OI, Khasanova IF, Latypova LF. Successful resuscitation and nursing of a newborn, with a hypoxic-ischemic lesion of the central nervous system, born after a uterine rupture. Russian Bulletin of Obstetrician-Gynecologist. 2022;22(3):67‑70. (In Russ., In Engl.).
Babunashvili EL, Buyanova SN, Logutova LS, Schukina NA, Chechneva MA, Shuginin IO, Kovalenko TS, Yudina NV, Shcherbatykh MG, Shengeliya KD. Vaginal delivery after giant fibroid myomectomy in a young pregnant woman. Russian Bulletin of Obstetrician-Gynecologist. 2021;21(4):94‑98. (In Russ., In Engl.).
Grechkanev GO, Motovilova TM, Khodosova TG, Apumaita H, Nikishov NN, Gagaeva YuA, Kolomina ES, Simonyan AS. Impact of ozone and bacteriophage therapy on the morphological pattern and receptor propertiesof the endometrium in patients with chronic endometritis. Russian Bulletin of Obstetrician-Gynecologist. 2019;19(2):68‑75. (In Russ., In Engl.).
Khvorostukhina NF, Kolesnikova EA, Chekhonatskaya ML, Plekhanov AA. Impact of threatened abortion on fetoplacental complex function in pregnant women with a male fetus. Russian Bulletin of Obstetrician-Gynecologist. 2019;19(1):54‑59. (In Russ., In Engl.).
Popov А, Romanov V, Slobodyanyuk B, Maisonobe P, Cabri P, Chapron Ch. The clinical manifestations and anamnestic risk factors of different forms of endometriosis in Russian women: subgroup analyses in the framework of the international study FEELING. Russian Bulletin of Obstetrician-Gynecologist. 2018;18(3):72‑82. (In Russ., In Engl.).
Breusenko VG, Shevchenko NA, Kaukhova EN, Esipova IA, Golukhov GN, Plakhova TA, Kovaleva OS. The efficiency of microwave endometrial ablation in postmenopausal patients with hyperplastic processes. Russian Bulletin of Obstetrician-Gynecologist. 2018;18(3):61‑71. (In Russ., In Engl.).
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